Monday, June 28, 2010

The New Name - The Holy Spirit Incarnate (Part 3) by Danilo T. Nacua

Thus, while the preaching of the name Jesus Christ was still in progress, meaning it was still His era, Paul prophesied what would happen to the preaching of the name of Christ. In his letter in 1 Corinthians 13:9-10, TEV Paul said that “…our gifts of knowledge and of inspired messages are only partial; but when what is perfect comes, then what is partial will disappear.”

Let’s consider this statement. Paul is talking about two things: partial message and perfect message. What he actually meant here is that their “inspired messages are partial” and will soon disappear when the “perfect message” arrives. Now, Paul did not elaborate here what he meant by “messages” but in his other letters he gave the meaning of the term ‘messages” and he rendered advice what to do with their “partial message” after the “perfect message” comes. In Hebrews 6:1-2, TEV he advised that “let us go forward, then, to mature teaching and leave behind the first lessons of the Christian message”. Accordingly, the message Paul wants us to leave is the Christian message. How does this Christian message come about? In Romans 10:17, TEV he said that “…faith comes from hearing the message, and the message comes through preaching Christ”. There you are! The “partial message’ that Paul wants us to leave behind when the “perfect message” comes is the message that comes through “preaching Christ”!

Therefore, it is very clear from these statements of Paul that the preaching of the name of Christ is not an everlasting gospel. There is another gospel or good news, which according to Paul is a “perfect message” that will follow Christ’s era, confirming our claim that another divine administration will follow the era of Christ. These are some of the transitory prophecies that link the era of the Son to the era of the Holy Spirit! Christ Himself pronounced that the world must come to know “the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19, TEV). Since we already know two of them, the Father (Jehovah) and the Son (Jesus Christ), the third ‘name’ that you must come to know is the name of the Holy Spirit! That’s why the Bible speaks of a new name in Revelation 2:17, KJV with a foundation title of a ‘white stone’.

Since this is a prophecy, then a fulfillment is in the offing. Who is the fulfillment of this ‘new name’ with a ‘white stone’ for a foundation title? We have already introduced to you and we will always claim Him to be – Master Tomas D. Eugenio, Sr., the fulfillment of the Holy Spirit incarnate. Whether you believe us or not doesn’t disturb us a bit because we are only doing our job to preach the Good News of the Holy Spirit as prophesied in 1 Peter 1:12, KJV that must be known by His personal name and foundation title. See the whole point of the divine plot now? It was agreed while the three divine persons were still in heaven that they would administer the human race one by one. They agreed that the Father was to have the first administration (hence the appellation Father, to indicate as first or originator). They also agreed that the following administrator was to be hinted at in accordance with deeds and prophecy. The second or next administrator was to be called the ‘Son’ to conform to logic (from Father to Son because the passing of inheritance in any manner is from Father to Son). The third and final administrator, since there are only three of them, is the Holy Spirit. He doesn’t have to conform to the ‘father and son’ logic because He is the last administrator. Although they possess the same divine powers, the authority to govern the human race rests on the final administrator, which is the Holy Spirit. The most important factors in their respective administrations are that they are to be known by their personal names together with their foundation titles and that the name of the next administrator must be hinted at through prophecy although the personal name must not be given to avoid the devil from claiming it treacherously. Therefore the ‘new name’ refers simply to the Holy Spirit and nobody else. It cannot be attributed either to the Father or to the Son by virtue of their respective personal names, Jehovah and Jesus Christ and foundation titles as stone (rock) and cornerstone.

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