Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Holy Spirit Incarnate – The Second Child by Danilo T. Nacua

Jesus said, “You will not see me anymore…”

The first question that would come to your mind might be: “How come the Holy Spirit would take on human form?” You might base you assumption in Luke 24:39 (RSV) that says, “see my hands and my feet, that it is I myself…for a spirit has no flesh and bones as you and I have”, and would conclude that the Holy Spirit has no flesh and bones. So, how come, we preaching a Holy Spirit incarnate?

This particular passage in Luke is grossly misinterpreted by theologians and other religious leaders. When Christ said that the spirit “has no flesh and bones” (meaning human), he did not mean the Holy Spirit and no God was involved in this statement. You see, if you’ll read in Luke 24:1-7, 36-39 (RSV), you’ll find that this concerns the resurrection of Christ and His disciples were frightened when Christ suddenly appeared before them and they presumed that what they saw was a spirit! How did they come to conclusion that Christ was a spirit at this event?

Christ himself lectured them about spirit and resurrection in Mark 12:18-25 (RSV). When asked about the status of the people on the day of the resurrection, he told them that when “they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor given into marriage, but are like angels in heaven”. Now, an angel in heaven is a spirit being (Hebrews 1:13-14).

With this concept in mind, they thought that Christ was a spirit when he was resurrected, that’s why He had to correct them that He was not in spirit form but in human form because His resurrection was different from that of ordinary beings and also because he had dual nature – man and God (Philippians 2:5-7 TEV, TLB).

He was resurrected with his human body intact! This was merely a reprimand from Christ for the misconception of His disciples and has nothing to do with the subject of the incarnation of the Holy Spirit.

For these reasons, it is wrong to conclude that the Holy Spirit will not take on human form.

The Holy Spirit was prophesied in Isaiah 46:11 as the “man” who will hail from the far east and this was fulfilled in Master Tomas D. Eugenio, Sr.. If anybody wants to challenge this, we are ready to defend this claim. No one was born into this world already grown up. Adam and Eve were the only ones not born but created. So, everybody else must be born of a woman and pass from infant to childhood, then to maturity, that is if one will not die in between that stages. Even Christ did not exempt himself from those natural stages of development.

Before Christ was born into this world, he was prophesied in Isaiah 9:6 as “a child is born unto us…and he will be our ruler…he will be called Counselor, Mighty God…” and he was to be “born of a virgin” in Isaiah 7:14. The fulfillment this prophecy was recorded in Matthew1:18-23 (TEV). But did Jesus Christ remain a child? Obviously not! Jesus Christ was thirty years old when he began his ministry according to Luke 3:23 (TEV). I’m sure you will agree that a thirty-year old man is no longer a child though he passed that stage.

When the child Jesus was already a grown up man, what did he promise? In John 14:15-17, 26 (TEV) he prayed the Father to send the Holy Spirit in his name. In John 16:7-10, 13-15 (TEV) the advent of the Holy Spirit is the very reason why Christ must leave the earth and not come back because he had relinquished all power and authority in heaven and on earth to the Holy Spirit.

Will the Holy Spirit also pass the childhood stage just like Jesus Christ? If so, was he also prophesied as a child? Yes, yes, yes! In Ecclesiastes 4:15 (KJV) the prophesy went like this: “I considered all the living which walk under the sun, with the second child that shall stand up in his stead.”

We stand firmly that this prophecy pertains to the Holy Spirit. The term “second child” is used to distinguish between the “first child” Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Although Christ was not referred to as the “first child” in Isaiah 9:16, it can not be denied that he promised to send the Holy Spirit that shall stand up in his stead when he said in John 16:7-10 that “…I will send him to you…”.

Just look at the spiritual logic. The Father, Jehovah, promised to send a child that was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. In turn, the child promised to send someone in his stead, the Holy Spirit. Since the bible spoke of a “second child that would stand up in his stead”, there’s no other biblical reference that would point out to this linked passage but to the Holy Spirit that would stand up in stead of Jesus Christ. By simple deductive assumption, in order not to confuse between them, we refer to Jesus Christ as the “first child” and the Holy Spirit as the “second child”.

When Jesus was still a child he showed exploits as a sign of his being; will the second child, the Holy Spirit, also show exploits for his being? Isaiah prophesied in 11:6-8 (NIV) that this child would “…will lead…and…will play the hole of the cobra…and puts his hand into the viper’s nest.”

As a child, did Master Tomas D. Eugenio, Sr. – the fulfillment of the Holy Spirit incarnate- do these things mentioned above? Yes. You can read that in the Homepage section of this website wherein Master Tomas D. Eugenio, Sr. had the ability to play with poisonous snakes, insects and wild animals and his propensity to tame them without exerting any effort. These feats he did as a child of pre-school age and these can be proven by actual interview of his contemporaries presently living in San Antonio, Jasaan, Misamis Oriental.

As it is, the world must know about the deeds done by the Holy Spirit incarnate – in the person of Divine Master Tomas D. Eugenio, Sr. while still a child as prophesied in Ecclesiastes 4:15.

It is our responsibility, the PBCM ministers and missionaries, to let the world know. We are also prophesied in 1 Peter 1:12 as the “…messengers who announced the Good News by the power of the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. These are things even the angels would like to understand.”

Well, to those who will not accept him as the fulfillment of the Holy Spirit incarnate, they are not refusing us (the messengers) but “God, who gave you his Holy Spirit” (1 Thessalonians 4:8). But to those who would accept, Revelation 2:17 has the answer: “…I will give the victor some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name is inscribed that no one knows except the one who receives it.

That “new name” is Master Tomas D. Eugenio, Sr. and the “white stone” is his foundation title as we have explained in other articles to distinguish between Jehovah as the “rock or stone” and Jesus Christ as the “cornerstone”.

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