Monday, June 28, 2010

The Hidden Manna - The Divine Words of the Holy Spirit Incarnate (Part 3) by Danilo T. Nacua

Christ said in Matthew 4:4 that “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God”. God promised in Revelation 7:16, KJV that “they shall hunger no more”! Which “war” did God have in mind that He meant to save us using the power of the “hidden manna” or “sword” or “word of God”? We have been through many wars and the most destructive so far were World Wars 1 and 2! Actually it is neither the wars above nor the present wars happening in diverse parts of the world. The greatest war that God has in mind is the kind that will make the world totally devastated! Isaiah 24:3-6, KJV speaks of “the land shall be utterly emptied…therefore the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left”.

Just pause for a minute and consider this catastrophe mentioned by God. You have to come to terms with the fulfillment of the “new name” for you to possess this “hidden manna” as your security in times of famine and destruction! Does this “burning curse” really mean war? Isaiah 42:23,25 confirms this by declaring that “…he hath poured upon him the fury of his anger, and the strength of battle; and it hath set him on fire round about, yet he knew not; and it burned him, yet he laid it not to heart”. Yes! It is very clear that the curse that God would send upon the earth is the burning fury of battle or war! And this war will be so destructive that it will lay the world desolate and empty! The two greatest world wars, the first and the second, were not capable of burning the earth to desolation. Even though the Second World War saw the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the use of atomic bombs, the damage was only local to Japan. But still, the epicenter of the Hiroshima explosion rendered it useless and no blade of grass grew on that place. This was only a foreshadow of the destructive power of the coming third world war. The present nuclear weapons of mass destruction make the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki look like child’s play, so to speak. A single nuclear bomb with multiple warheads is enough to wipe out an entire country of the size of Philippines! What’s more with the present stockpiles of nuclear weapons in the arsenals of the powerful nations of the world – if all of them would throw them out in an all out war, then, the world will truly be devastated and empty. That’s why you need the “hidden manna” to save you. If World Wars 1 and 2 and the present wars are not the fulfillment of the kind of war that God has in mind, then, what war will it be?

In Revelation 11:14, TEV the Bible speaks of a “third horror”. Two horrors have passed and a third is fast approaching! Other versions render it as the “third woe” and the Jerusalem Bible translated it as ‘third troubles”. Zephaniah 1:14-18, TEV describes that day as “…a day of ruin and destruction…of darkness and gloom…”. Wealth and influence can’t save you from this. Therefore, the Third World War is what God has in mind when He spoke of total destruction! The final and third world war is the coming nuclear holocaust and no one will be saved except those who have the “hidden manna” which will be given by the fulfillment of the “new name” with a “white stone” for foundation title. Remember the final word in Isaiah 24:6 that only a ‘few men are left”? They are the ones who are victorious. In spite of the devastation caused by the nuclear holocaust, these few are left because they have the “hidden manna” given them by the fulfillment of the “new name”. And once again we introduce you to the fulfillment – Master Tomas D. Eugenio, Sr. – the Holy Spirit incarnate. In conclusion, the “hidden manna” is not Jesus Christ but the “divine words” to come from the mouth of the Holy Spirit Incarnate.

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