Monday, June 28, 2010

The Holy Spirit Incarnate Hails From The Far East (Part 2) - By Danilo T. Nacua

The Prophecy in Isaiah 46:11

Now, is the Holy Spirit symbolized as a bird, so that the prophecy in Isaiah 46:11 can be justified to be the one “called” by Christ? Yes! Luke 3:21-22 described the event when Jesus was baptized that “…the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form, as a dove…” confirming the fact that the Holy Spirit is symbolized as a bird. Would you say that a dove is not a bird? If you do, then you need to revise your biology lessons! But is a dove a “bird of prey”? No, of course not. We mentioned above that the term “bird of prey” is only used to indicate the strong character of God when it comes to saving His people? A dove is used also as a symbol of the Holy Spirit to signify that it can portend future events (see Genesis 8:8-12) and it will save its people. To simplify further, in Today’s English Version, Isaiah 46:11 is translated as “I am calling a man to come from the east; he will swoop down like a hawk and accomplish what I have planned…” which, if we substitute for what we have discussed above, actually meant that Jesus Christ will pray (call) the Father (Jehovah) to send the Holy Spirit in the far east who will continue the job of God’s plan in saving the people from the coming world destruction! But what country in the far east is fortunate to be chosen as the place for the Holy Spirit to come from? There are many countries in the far east but only one of them is the one chosen, so how are we to know which country is the one? There is only one way to find out. How? Simple.

In 1 Peter 1:12 there are “messengers who announce the Good News by the power of the Holy Spirit sent from heaven…” See how simple it is! Just find out what country in the far east that preaches the Good News of the Holy Spirit and lo! You can be sure that that is the country prophesied to be the birthplace of the Holy Spirit! So, what country could that be? Only the Philippines can pass that criteria because nowhere in the far east can you find the messengers of the Holy Spirit incarnate preaching to the world right now. Does the Philippines which is located in the far east pass the criteria as we claimed? Yes! In the book. A Brief History Of The Philippines by Leandro H. Fernandez, page 114, he states that, “In Legaspi’s time, Manila seems to have been the leading commercial center in the Philippines. It was the center of trade in the Far East”. Now, who in the Philippines are preaching the Good News of the Holy Spirit incarnate and at the same time reminding the world that Jesus is not coming back by virtue of His promise regarding His sending of the Holy Spirit to take His place? Only we, the Ministers and missionaries of the Philippine Benevolent Christian Missionaries (PBCM), are doing that. PBCM is the only religion in the Philippines, and indeed in the whole world, that preach the Good News of the Holy Spirit incarnate in the person of Master Tomas D. Eugenio, Sr. Therefore the prophecy in Isaiah 46:11 is now very clear to see that it presaged the advent of the Holy Spirit only and nobody else. If someone else claims this prophecy unto himself but is not attested to by Christ, then you’ll know that it doesn’t belong to him, but just clever enough to explain his claims but lacks the spiritual powers to prove it.

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