Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Doctrine of The Holy Spirit - Part One

The Great Doctrines of The Bible written by Dr. William Evans was first published in 1912. The Doctrine of The Holy Spirit is beautifully explained by Dr. Evans in his book and I have reproduced it here word for word, without editing anything, as I believe it is perfect as it is.

Author: Dr. William Evans
Publisher: Forgotten Books

The Doctrine of The Holy Spirit (page 107 to 122)

We are living in the Age of the Spirit. The Old Testament period may be called the Age of the Father; the period covered by the Gospels, the Age of the Son; from Pentecost until the *second advent of Christ, the Age of the Spirit.

All matters pertaining to the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit should, therefore, be of special interest to us who live in this age of special privilege. Yet how ignorant is the average Christian concerning matters pertaining to the Spirit. The Christian church today needs to heed Paul’s exhortation: “Now concerning spiritual gifts (or, perhaps better, “matters pertaining to the Spirit”), I would not have you ignorant.” May it not be that the reason why the sin against the Holy Spirit is so grievous is because it is a sin committed in the light and with the knowledge of the clearest and fullest revelation of the Godhead. We cannot therefore, afford to remain in ignorance of this all-important doctrine.


It seems strange that it should be necessary to discuss this phase of the subject at all. Indeed, in the light of the last discourse of the Master (John 14-16), it seems superfluous, if not really insulting. During all the ages of the Christian era, however, it has been necessary to emphasize this phase of the doctrine of the Spirit (cf. Arianism, Socinianism, Unitarianism).


a) Because, as Contrasted with the Other Persons of the Godhead, the Spirit Seems Impersonal.

The visible creation makes the personality of God the Father somewhat easy to conceive; the incarnation makes it almost, if not altogether, impossible to disbelieve in the personality of Jesus Christ; but the acts and workings of the Holy Spirit are so secret and mystical, so much is said of His influence, graces, power and gifts, that we are prone to think of Him as an influence, a power, a manifestation or influence of the Divine nature, an agent rather than a person.

b) Because of the Names Given to the Holy Spirit.

He is called breath, wind, power. The symbols used in speaking of the Spirit are oil, fire, water, etc. See John 3:5-8; Acts 2:1-4; John 20:22; 1 John 2:20. It is not strange that in view of all this some students of the Scriptures may have been led to believe, erroneously of course, that the Holy Spirit is an impersonal influence emanating from God the Father.

c) Because the Holy Spirit is not usually Associated with the Father and the Son in the Greetings and Salutation of the New Testament.

For illustration, see 1 Thess. 3:11 – “Now God himself and our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way unto you.” Yet we must remember, in this connection, that the Apostolic Benediction in 2 Cor. 13:14 does associate the three persons of the Trinity, thereby asserting their personality equally.

d) Because the Word or Name “Spirit” is Neuter.

It is true that the same Greek word is translated wind and Spirit; also that the Authorized Version uses the neuter pronoun “itself,” when speaking of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:16, 26). As we shall see later, the Revised Version substitutes :”himself” for “itself.”

The importance of the personality of the Spirit, and of our being assured of this fact is forcibly set forth by Dr. R.A. Torrey: “If the Holy Spirit is a Divine Person and we know it not, we are robbing a Divine Being of the love and adoration which are His due. It is of the highest practical importance whether the Holy Spirit is a power that we, in our ignorance and weakness, are somehow to get hold of and use, or whether the Holy Spirit is a personal Being…. who is to get hold of us and use us. It is of the highest experimental importance…. Many can testify to the blessing that came into their lives when they came to know the Holy Spirit, not merely as a gracious influence…. But as an ever-present, loving friend and helper.”

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