Monday, June 28, 2010

The Holy Spirit Incarnate Hails From The Far East (Part 2) - By Danilo T. Nacua

The Prophecy in Isaiah 46:11

Now, is the Holy Spirit symbolized as a bird, so that the prophecy in Isaiah 46:11 can be justified to be the one “called” by Christ? Yes! Luke 3:21-22 described the event when Jesus was baptized that “…the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form, as a dove…” confirming the fact that the Holy Spirit is symbolized as a bird. Would you say that a dove is not a bird? If you do, then you need to revise your biology lessons! But is a dove a “bird of prey”? No, of course not. We mentioned above that the term “bird of prey” is only used to indicate the strong character of God when it comes to saving His people? A dove is used also as a symbol of the Holy Spirit to signify that it can portend future events (see Genesis 8:8-12) and it will save its people. To simplify further, in Today’s English Version, Isaiah 46:11 is translated as “I am calling a man to come from the east; he will swoop down like a hawk and accomplish what I have planned…” which, if we substitute for what we have discussed above, actually meant that Jesus Christ will pray (call) the Father (Jehovah) to send the Holy Spirit in the far east who will continue the job of God’s plan in saving the people from the coming world destruction! But what country in the far east is fortunate to be chosen as the place for the Holy Spirit to come from? There are many countries in the far east but only one of them is the one chosen, so how are we to know which country is the one? There is only one way to find out. How? Simple.

In 1 Peter 1:12 there are “messengers who announce the Good News by the power of the Holy Spirit sent from heaven…” See how simple it is! Just find out what country in the far east that preaches the Good News of the Holy Spirit and lo! You can be sure that that is the country prophesied to be the birthplace of the Holy Spirit! So, what country could that be? Only the Philippines can pass that criteria because nowhere in the far east can you find the messengers of the Holy Spirit incarnate preaching to the world right now. Does the Philippines which is located in the far east pass the criteria as we claimed? Yes! In the book. A Brief History Of The Philippines by Leandro H. Fernandez, page 114, he states that, “In Legaspi’s time, Manila seems to have been the leading commercial center in the Philippines. It was the center of trade in the Far East”. Now, who in the Philippines are preaching the Good News of the Holy Spirit incarnate and at the same time reminding the world that Jesus is not coming back by virtue of His promise regarding His sending of the Holy Spirit to take His place? Only we, the Ministers and missionaries of the Philippine Benevolent Christian Missionaries (PBCM), are doing that. PBCM is the only religion in the Philippines, and indeed in the whole world, that preach the Good News of the Holy Spirit incarnate in the person of Master Tomas D. Eugenio, Sr. Therefore the prophecy in Isaiah 46:11 is now very clear to see that it presaged the advent of the Holy Spirit only and nobody else. If someone else claims this prophecy unto himself but is not attested to by Christ, then you’ll know that it doesn’t belong to him, but just clever enough to explain his claims but lacks the spiritual powers to prove it.

The Holy Spirit Incarnate Hails from the Far East (Part 1) - By Danilo T. Nacua

The Prophecy in Isaiah 46:11

In his book, The Missing Dimension In Sex, Herbert W. Armstrong on page sixteen states that “Much of the Bible is in symbols – but the Bible explains its own symbols”. We are in total agreement with this statement, especially when it comes to biblical prophecies. The Bible almost always describes prophecies in symbols, but most assuredly the Bible explains these symbols. For example, in John 1:29, John the Baptist labeled Jesus Christ as a “lamb”. Naturally, we must not accept that Christ is literally a lamb! The symbol of the “lamb” is used because during the era of God the Father (Jehovah), the practice of slaughtering a lamb as a sacrificial offering was done for the forgiveness of sins, Leviticus 9:1-4. Since Christ was a type of sacrificial offering, sent to the world to save it from its sins (1 John 2:1-2), the “lamb” symbol was used to describe Him. That’s proof that when the Bible uses symbolic language, it explains its own symbols.

Now let’s take a look at the text in Isaiah 46:11, RSV, “Calling a bird of prey from the east, the man of my counsel from a far country. I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass; I have purposed, and I will do it”. At first glance, the unaided reader would perceive nothing but another simple biblical statement. Actually, this is a very important and significant prophecy concerning the coming of the Holy Spirit in human form. This prophecy needs to be scrutinized. The symbol, “bird of prey” is used here. The act of “calling”, though not a symbol, has a different meaning. You can’t just jump to claim this prophecy without slicing it to pieces for there’s more than meets the eye with this one. Let the Bible explain itself.

Four entities are involved here. The one “calling”, the man “called” who is labeled as the “bird of prey”, the “far country” and the location which is “east”. The “far country” and the “east” is not a problem since this simply means “a country in the far east”. To prove that we are correct with regards to the “east” concept, Young’s Analytical Concordance To The Bible, by Robert Young, on page 284, pointed out that “mizrach” is the “rising of the sun” meaning east and he cited Isaiah 43:5; 46:11. Smith’s Bible Dictionary by William Smith, page 154, further validates our claim by nothing that the original manuscript used the Hebrew word “mizrach” meaning “far east” in Isaiah 46:11 and 43:5.As for the one who does the “calling”, the Bible also gives its own definition to the word “call”. In Psalms 4:1 David uttered “answer me when I call, O god of my right! gracious to and hear my prayer” (underscoring mine). How did David call God? By praying! Therefore, when David called God he actually meant praying. So in this case, the word “call” is the same as “to pray” and vice versa. So, who does the “calling or praying” so that the man who is labeled as “bird of prey” will come from the far east?

Jesus Christ in John 14:15-16, RSV uttered that “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Counselor, to be with you forever…the Holy Spirit, whom the father will send in my name…” (underscoring mine). What? How come Christ is the one who did the “calling or praying” when the prophecy mentioned that the one to be called is a “bird of prey” and not the Holy Spirit? That’s the beauty in Bible prophecy. If you are not the fulfillment you wouldn’t be able to explain mysteries like these and consequently you will commit mistakes which will reveal your fraudulent claims. So, here’s the answer to the question. It is true that the one to be called is a “bird of prey”, but remember that this is merely the actuation of the man that possessed the label and just because the man here is labeled as a “bird of prey” doesn’t mean a bad connotation is implied. The “preying” of the bird here simply meant salvation. To give you a parallel example, Jehovah is also labeled as a “bird of prey” (eagle) in Deuteronomy 32:9-11. Does that mean that Jehovah is bad just because He was called an eagle? Of course not! He was likened to a bird of prey because like the eagle who is strong and powerful in protecting its young, so is God when it comes to saving His people!

The New Name - The Holy Spirit Incarnate (Part 3) by Danilo T. Nacua

Thus, while the preaching of the name Jesus Christ was still in progress, meaning it was still His era, Paul prophesied what would happen to the preaching of the name of Christ. In his letter in 1 Corinthians 13:9-10, TEV Paul said that “…our gifts of knowledge and of inspired messages are only partial; but when what is perfect comes, then what is partial will disappear.”

Let’s consider this statement. Paul is talking about two things: partial message and perfect message. What he actually meant here is that their “inspired messages are partial” and will soon disappear when the “perfect message” arrives. Now, Paul did not elaborate here what he meant by “messages” but in his other letters he gave the meaning of the term ‘messages” and he rendered advice what to do with their “partial message” after the “perfect message” comes. In Hebrews 6:1-2, TEV he advised that “let us go forward, then, to mature teaching and leave behind the first lessons of the Christian message”. Accordingly, the message Paul wants us to leave is the Christian message. How does this Christian message come about? In Romans 10:17, TEV he said that “…faith comes from hearing the message, and the message comes through preaching Christ”. There you are! The “partial message’ that Paul wants us to leave behind when the “perfect message” comes is the message that comes through “preaching Christ”!

Therefore, it is very clear from these statements of Paul that the preaching of the name of Christ is not an everlasting gospel. There is another gospel or good news, which according to Paul is a “perfect message” that will follow Christ’s era, confirming our claim that another divine administration will follow the era of Christ. These are some of the transitory prophecies that link the era of the Son to the era of the Holy Spirit! Christ Himself pronounced that the world must come to know “the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19, TEV). Since we already know two of them, the Father (Jehovah) and the Son (Jesus Christ), the third ‘name’ that you must come to know is the name of the Holy Spirit! That’s why the Bible speaks of a new name in Revelation 2:17, KJV with a foundation title of a ‘white stone’.

Since this is a prophecy, then a fulfillment is in the offing. Who is the fulfillment of this ‘new name’ with a ‘white stone’ for a foundation title? We have already introduced to you and we will always claim Him to be – Master Tomas D. Eugenio, Sr., the fulfillment of the Holy Spirit incarnate. Whether you believe us or not doesn’t disturb us a bit because we are only doing our job to preach the Good News of the Holy Spirit as prophesied in 1 Peter 1:12, KJV that must be known by His personal name and foundation title. See the whole point of the divine plot now? It was agreed while the three divine persons were still in heaven that they would administer the human race one by one. They agreed that the Father was to have the first administration (hence the appellation Father, to indicate as first or originator). They also agreed that the following administrator was to be hinted at in accordance with deeds and prophecy. The second or next administrator was to be called the ‘Son’ to conform to logic (from Father to Son because the passing of inheritance in any manner is from Father to Son). The third and final administrator, since there are only three of them, is the Holy Spirit. He doesn’t have to conform to the ‘father and son’ logic because He is the last administrator. Although they possess the same divine powers, the authority to govern the human race rests on the final administrator, which is the Holy Spirit. The most important factors in their respective administrations are that they are to be known by their personal names together with their foundation titles and that the name of the next administrator must be hinted at through prophecy although the personal name must not be given to avoid the devil from claiming it treacherously. Therefore the ‘new name’ refers simply to the Holy Spirit and nobody else. It cannot be attributed either to the Father or to the Son by virtue of their respective personal names, Jehovah and Jesus Christ and foundation titles as stone (rock) and cornerstone.

The New Name - The Holy Spirit Incarnate (Part 2) by Danilo T. Nacua

Paul wrote to his brothers in 1 Corinthians 10:4 that their ancestors who followed Moses “drank from the spiritual rock that went with them; and that rock was Christ himself.” However, in order for the Son’s foundation title not to be confused with that of the Father’s (Rock), it was further characterized as a ‘cornerstone’ as was furnished in the prophecy of Isaiah 28:16 that says “I am placing in Zion, a foundation that is firm and strong. In it I am putting a solid cornerstone...” Paul then finally distinguished the foundation title of the Son upon knowing the provision mentioned above that “you, too, are built upon the foundation laid by the apostles and prophets, the cornerstone being Jesus Christ himself” in Ephesians 2:20. Was Christ the fulfillment of the ‘stone with seven eyes’ cited above? Yes. Revelation 5:6(TEV) speaks of a “lamb standing in the center of the had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God that have been sent throughout the world”.

We all know that the Lamb of God is Jesus Christ according to John 1:29(TEV). Therefore, Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of the name written or engraved on the ‘stone with seven eyes’. Was it written literally? Of course not; now you know that when the Bible speaks of engraving or writing of a name on a stone, it does not mean that the actual name is written on a stone itself, but it is speaking metaphorically. The ‘name written on the stone’ merely means that the person who bears the name is titled as such, e.g., like a stone. So, when a prophecy states that ‘a name is written on a stone’, it actually means that a person (with a name, of course) will bear that title ‘stone’.

When the era of Jesus Christ came, and he was proven to be the fulfillment of the ‘cornerstone’ to follow the era of the Father, who was preached as the core of the Good News? Was it the Father’s name still? No. It was Jesus Christ who was preached everywhere to the whole known world at that time (Colossians 1:27-28). The apostles dared not preached the name of the Father nor the name of the Holy Spirit at that time because they knew already that the preaching of the name of the Father has reached its limit in time and it was not yet also the era of the Holy Spirit, so, the boundary set by God for them in their ministry was the preaching of the name of Christ only (2 Corinthians 10:13-14-TEV). Paul in his letter to the Hebrews (8:7-12 –TEV), defending their stand as to why they preached only the name of Jesus Christ and not the Father’s, reiterated that the preaching of the name of the Lord Jehovah was limited only to the time before the arrival of the ‘cornerstone’ which was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. He went on to cite the prophecy in Jeremiah 31:31-34 to support their contention.

Now, that was the way with regards to the transition plot from the Father to the Son. How about the transition from the Son to the Holy Spirit? If the passing of one era to another was backed by transitory prophecies to link that era, likewise, so it is with respect to era of the Holy Spirit.

The New Name - The Holy Spirit Incarnate (Part 1) by Danilo T. Nacua

Let’s slice this prophecy into pieces and analyze each one of them. The full text in Revelation 2:17 reads: “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone which no knows except him who receives it.”

Okay, first things first, let’s discuss the ‘new name’ written on the ‘white stone’. So, what’s in a name that makes this topic so important? Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, page 786 defines ‘name’ as ‘a word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a person or thing’. The Bible Dictionary of the New Revised Standard Version, page 36, defines ‘name’ as ‘a word by which a person or thing is known and distinguished from others. God’s name was important to the Hebrews, for they believed that it revealed his character and divinity (Exodus 3:13-15)...’. Be also reminded that a ‘title’ is also a ‘descriptive name’ as per definition by Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, page 1238. Therefore, names are important in distinguishing between persons, things and God. Names given to persons are personal names and reveal their human nature. Likewise God’s personal name reveals his true character and divinity. Let’s bear that in mind. Anyone who claims he is God but doesn’t have divine powers is a fraud.

So, why then did God make such a prophecy forecasting the advent of the one to be known to the world as a ‘new name’ when it already knows two divine personal names: The name of the Father (Jehovah) and the name of the Son (Jesus Christ)? It’s because it was pre-programmed to be that way. The world must come to know the names of the three divine persons of the Holy Trinity. Christ declared it in Matthew 28:19 when he said “ the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. If the Father and Son were already known by their personal names, it would be unfair if the Holy Spirit wouldn’t bear a personal name.

The plot began a long time ago and the heavenly drama started with God the Father. When it was yet the era of Jehovah, his name alone and his foundation title as a ‘rock or stone’ was preached throughout the known world at that time (Deut.32: 3-4). He had sole domination of the world and He did not recognize any other gods or any other stone (Isaiah 44:8). The Son and the Holy Spirit had nothing to say during this time and did not intervene with His administration because that was their agreement. Remember that at this context, the word ‘stone or rock’ refers to ‘foundation title’ because the stones symbolize the foundation used by God the Father when he established his people Israel (1 Kings 18:31). Yet while it was still his era of authority, a provision or prophecy was established to make the necessary transition of administration from the Father to the Son. He made a decree establishing the fact that when the era of the Son comes, his name shall no longer be invoked starting in Judah and Egypt (Jeremiah 44:26), but the decree was not limited to that places mentioned because the decree encompasses everyone and to all places (Deuteronomy 29:12-15). And for all eternity the name of Jehovah was strictly forbidden to be taught to all persons throughout the world (Jeremiah 31:31-34).What was this prophetic provision concerning the Son? Zechariah 3:8-9(KJV) provides that “...I will bring forth my servant, the BRANCH. For behold the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall have seven eyes; behold I will engrave the graving thereof...”. Today’s English Version renders “..I will engrave an inscription in it...”. An inscription is ‘an entering of a name’ according to Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, page 625. Therefore, the Branch mentioned in this prophecy has a ‘stone’ for its foundation title and a ‘name’ will be engraved or written on that stone with the seven eyes. The Branch and the ‘stone with seven eyes’ are interrelated because one can’t be without the other. In other words, when you speak of the Branch, the ‘stone with seven eyes’ goes with it.

The Hidden Manna - The Divine Words of the Holy Spirit Incarnate (Part 3) by Danilo T. Nacua

Christ said in Matthew 4:4 that “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God”. God promised in Revelation 7:16, KJV that “they shall hunger no more”! Which “war” did God have in mind that He meant to save us using the power of the “hidden manna” or “sword” or “word of God”? We have been through many wars and the most destructive so far were World Wars 1 and 2! Actually it is neither the wars above nor the present wars happening in diverse parts of the world. The greatest war that God has in mind is the kind that will make the world totally devastated! Isaiah 24:3-6, KJV speaks of “the land shall be utterly emptied…therefore the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left”.

Just pause for a minute and consider this catastrophe mentioned by God. You have to come to terms with the fulfillment of the “new name” for you to possess this “hidden manna” as your security in times of famine and destruction! Does this “burning curse” really mean war? Isaiah 42:23,25 confirms this by declaring that “…he hath poured upon him the fury of his anger, and the strength of battle; and it hath set him on fire round about, yet he knew not; and it burned him, yet he laid it not to heart”. Yes! It is very clear that the curse that God would send upon the earth is the burning fury of battle or war! And this war will be so destructive that it will lay the world desolate and empty! The two greatest world wars, the first and the second, were not capable of burning the earth to desolation. Even though the Second World War saw the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the use of atomic bombs, the damage was only local to Japan. But still, the epicenter of the Hiroshima explosion rendered it useless and no blade of grass grew on that place. This was only a foreshadow of the destructive power of the coming third world war. The present nuclear weapons of mass destruction make the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki look like child’s play, so to speak. A single nuclear bomb with multiple warheads is enough to wipe out an entire country of the size of Philippines! What’s more with the present stockpiles of nuclear weapons in the arsenals of the powerful nations of the world – if all of them would throw them out in an all out war, then, the world will truly be devastated and empty. That’s why you need the “hidden manna” to save you. If World Wars 1 and 2 and the present wars are not the fulfillment of the kind of war that God has in mind, then, what war will it be?

In Revelation 11:14, TEV the Bible speaks of a “third horror”. Two horrors have passed and a third is fast approaching! Other versions render it as the “third woe” and the Jerusalem Bible translated it as ‘third troubles”. Zephaniah 1:14-18, TEV describes that day as “…a day of ruin and destruction…of darkness and gloom…”. Wealth and influence can’t save you from this. Therefore, the Third World War is what God has in mind when He spoke of total destruction! The final and third world war is the coming nuclear holocaust and no one will be saved except those who have the “hidden manna” which will be given by the fulfillment of the “new name” with a “white stone” for foundation title. Remember the final word in Isaiah 24:6 that only a ‘few men are left”? They are the ones who are victorious. In spite of the devastation caused by the nuclear holocaust, these few are left because they have the “hidden manna” given them by the fulfillment of the “new name”. And once again we introduce you to the fulfillment – Master Tomas D. Eugenio, Sr. – the Holy Spirit incarnate. In conclusion, the “hidden manna” is not Jesus Christ but the “divine words” to come from the mouth of the Holy Spirit Incarnate.

The Hidden Manna - The Divine Words of the Holy Spirit Incarnate (Part 2) by Danilo T. Nacua

Now that we have searched and know the background story of the “manna or bread” topic, we can reliably go now to the correct meaning or interpretation of the “hidden manna” in Revelation 2:17. What is this “manna” and why is it “hidden”? The “manna” here is neither the literal nor the metaphorical one discussed above. Let’s just remember that the purpose of “manna” is to render salvation. This simply means that “manna” connotes redemption. Matthew 4:4 renders that “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God”. In other words, the word of God is some kind of bread or manna because this is clearly explained that man can live also by every word of God.

In Ephesians 6:17, Paul advised us to “…take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God”. This tells us that the “sword” is also the “word of God” which can also be attributed to “bread” or “manna”! If this “sword” or “word of God” is the “manna” in Revelation 2:17, why is it hidden? To reiterate our discussion regarding the “hidden manna” issue in Revelation 2:17, let us remember that “manna” here is neither the literal nor the metaphorical one we have known above. Let’s just remember that the purpose of “manna” is to render salvation. This simply means that “manna” connotes redemption. But let us find out first why this manna is hidden before we go to the real substance.

In Job 38:23, God revealed that “…I have reserved for the time of trouble, for the day of battle and war”. What? Reserved for war? So that’s the reason why God has rendered it “hidden” because this is reserved for war! So, what is this “manna” and can this be a guarantee to save us in times of war and other things? In Job 5:20(RSV) it is guaranteed that “in famine he will redeem you from death, and in war from the power of the sword”. It is very comforting to know what God has prepared for those who would be victorious in accepting the fulfillment of the “new name”. This “hidden manna” is our food for security in times of famine or hunger! That this “hidden manna” would also redeem the believers from death in times of war from the power of the sword! What is this “manna” that it could be used as a shield against war and as food in times of famine or hunger? Paul said it in his letter to the Ephesians 6:17 KJV, beseeching to “take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” and in Hebrews 4:12, KJV he explained that the “word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword…” There you are! The “word of God” or “sword” or “manna” is powerful that’s why it can protect you in war and feed you in times of hunger!